Hosted by Rob Savitsky and a rotating cadre of Duck Creek employees, Conversations on the Creek is the insurtech podcast series where we interview thought leaders about how the latest insurtech is transforming the P&C insurance industry. New episodes drop the second Tuesday of each month.
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Aerial Imagery and Geospatial Analytics with Busy Cummings of CAPE Analytics
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
The rise of aerial imagery and AI / machine learning is providing insurers with new opportunities for improving the speed and accuracy for how they manage property risk. In this partner podcast episode of Conversations on the Creek, Rob Savitsky and Zach May of Duck Creek chat with Busy Cummings of CAPE Analytics about the granularity of property attributes and the surrounding environment being collected via remote imagery and how advances in geospatial analytics are helping insurers improve their ability to underwrite, price, and manage residential and commercial property risk. To learn about our partnership and integration with CAPE Analytics, visit duckcreek.com/partner/cape-analytics.