Hosted by Rob Savitsky and a rotating cadre of Duck Creek employees, Conversations on the Creek is the insurtech podcast series where we interview thought leaders about how the latest insurtech is transforming the P&C insurance industry. New episodes drop the second Tuesday of each month.
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Managing Wildfire Risk with Clark Woodward of RedZone
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Between the earth's climate warming, exposure growth in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), and other factors, the loss potential of wildfires is growing. In this partner podcast series episode of Conversations on the Creek, Rob Savitsky and Robert Fletcher from Duck Creek chat with Clark Woodward of RedZone about the impact of climate change on wildfire risk, the Dixie Fire in California, and how wildfire risk scores and the drivers behind those scores are enabling insurers to make smarter underwriting decisions.